lørdag 14. mars 2009

Miss working...

Well pretty ironic, I actually miss work! Well I have been sick on and off basically since christmas, but hopefully getting better now! So for the three last weeks I have not been working, and I am getting pretty BooooRed now... And looking forward to go back to work! I really miss it.. Even weekends and night, did not think that was possible, but it is! I miss all my great, funny and smart co workers! I miss the feeling of doing something usefull. I miss the stress, the laughs, the tears and the kids! (I work at the hospital and in kindergarden, so I get to work with sick and healthy kids ;) I am lucky, and love it! 

Well I miss it and are excited to back on monday, even if it is not full time yet! but anything is better than nothing! 

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